Plants In Design is the premier grower of pre-finished and in-bloom Bromeliads North America (wholesale only).
We are the preferred supplier of these plants to the most discriminating resorts, florists, resellers and interiorscape designers. From our 35-acre nursery in South Florida, we provide beautifully finished and pre-finished bromeliads to discriminating customers throughout North America (including the Bahamas, Puerto Rico and Jamaica) as well as selected areas in South America.
Plants in Design has been a “Major Sponsor” of the industry’s “Green Plants for Green Buildings” initiative since its inception. We have continuously been awarded Interiorscape Magazine’s National Award as Major Supplier for the Best Project. The nursery also received Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition Awards annually.
The nursery has been in continuous operation for more than 25 years utilizing state of the art greenhouses, computerized irrigation systems and robotics that constitute the most technologically advanced facility of its type. Through ongoing communication with hybridizers and laboratories worldwide, we respond to customers requests for timely access to new hybrid varieties for the distinctive look of novel colors and shapes.
We welcome the opportunity to design exclusive product presentations tailored solely to our customers’ needs.
Precise quality control, business integrity, and personalized service are a hallmark of our reputation.
North America’s premier grower of pre-finished and in-bloom bromeliads.
20905 Southwest 162nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33187
(305) 232-6567
Fax: (305) 233-6594